Discovery Of Electricity
Written on 7:16 AM by Phantom
Believe it or not,
electricity didn't begin when Benjamin Franklin flew his kite during a rainstorm, or when light bulbs were installed in houses all around the world.
In fact, electricity has always been around.
As you may not know, elctricity exists in nature.
Lightning is simply a flow of electrons between the ground and the clouds. When you touch something and get a shock, that is really electricity moving into you.
The motors, light bulbs, and batteries of today aren't needed for electricity to exist. They are just creative inventions brought about through man's quest to discover and use electricity.
Even though no one had a clue what it all meant back then, the first discoveries of electricity were made back in ancient Greece. Greek philosophers discovered that when amber is rubbed against cloth, lightweight objects will stick to it. This is the basis of static electricity.
From the writings of Thales of Miletus it appears that Westerners knew as long ago as 600 B.C. that amber becomes charged by rubbing.

In the Next Post I'll talk in more details about Great Scientist that because of their inventions Electricity reaches us in our homes in a blink of an eye !!